Winning Vs. Victory

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to participate in a high school alumni softball team game. While I was in high school I was blessed to be part of a two time state softball team and enjoy in the blessings, trials, and the joy of competition, and winning. Above is a selfie of myself and two teammates. (April, myself, Robin-Taken by April on the left)

It was neat to see Robin, one of two seniors in 1993 who did quite a bit if our coaching and leading us to our first state title, now coaching our alma mater softball team. It was also a blessing to see my teammate April doing double duty from the dugout as a mom while playing the game. It was also a blessing to see beauty from ashes as I was able to participate for the first time in the alumni game only because going through a divorce led me back home.

In reflecting on those moments, I realized that we were not only winners but victors. As we have all moved along in our own paths, we in some shape and form sow into others.

As a Christian, there is the concept of winning people to Christ. But, sometimes that requires us to sow into others through personal testimonies. While the walk in the Lord can be joyous, it can also be very challenging and filled with losses. It can seem by outward appearances when things don’t go our way, we are losing. In actuality, a victorious testimony is being written by the hand of God.

Victory is a different kind of win. It is eternal and cannot be signified by a one-time trophy or medal. It is ongoing. It is transforming into the image of Christ. And most of all, no matter the circumstance, it multiplies.

Winning requires only one person or one team to enjoy in the celebration. Victory allows celebration all of the time, everyday, in every circumstance.

So no matter what the outcome of the battle you are in, you will be victorious if you allow God to coach you through the game instead of focusing on the outcome of the battle.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Published by wihpblog

I'm a daughter of Christ reborn, redeemed, and restored. My mission in Christ is to point people to the Bible. That is how my mind was transformed into believing and understanding God's truths for my life and everyone else on earth. Reading the Bible moved me from being a believer to a follower; therefore allowing me to be on mission for the kingdom.

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